EMILIA JONES is a highly empathetic caregiver who has a terrible accident. All of her limbs are replaced by an ambitious bionics scientist, which saves her life, but changes it in ways she didn’t see coming. People don’t think of her as her anymore. They no longer let her in, which is devastating to her. Depressed and angry, she goes off the grid and works on loading docks in squalor until her job is replaced by robots. She tears one to pieces and makes global headlines because it’s not legal to have artificial strength of that magnitude. But she’s forgiven when DARPA finds her, and develops her mind and body to the limits of possibility, as a weapon. Inside, Emilia withdraws, unable to process this level of identity theft. Her struggle is to take it back.
Bionics is replacing lost body parts with robotics hooked into the human nervous system. As the replacements approach being as effective as the originals, more and more people are getting 2nd chances. But what happens when the replacements become much much better than the originals? Do you still need to have a terrible accident to get the better parts?
LIFE IN 2029
Links to More Info on: BIONICS
© Jonathan Brandeis 2021 / Registered WGA East